

iPhone picture to the rescue!

You know how cute it is to have two two-year-olds absolutely happy and content to be with each other? Cute. very cute.

You know what's even cuter?

When they call each other 'bes fwens' (best friends).



B4D. (Breakfast for Dinner). It's pretty popular around our house. I used to make it when Cam worked nights all the time, since it was easy to get a filling meal on the table, and the kids loved it. This is one of the very best pancake recipes out there. My good friend Shelly put it in a cookbook we put together at church. It's awesome. If I hadn't just worked a million hours and swore I was not leaving this room, I'd go get it. Let me know if you want the recipe!



So, you know how most people enjoy the parks and slides in the summertime? Well, we do all the playing in the winter, when the slides and parks are cool enough to actually touch them. This is prime playing season for us!



The vortex of delight....

I hate to say it, but the first thing I thought of when I climbed into this slide was whether any kids had peed in it. Isn't that gross? Oh well, it smelled fine, and it was pretty fun, too...



We made an exodus to the park today. It was awesome...on rollerblades, bikes and the diggler...

The slide started belching children. It was crazy!



Three-Day weekends ROCK! The kids love it, because they get to stay up a little later than usual on Sunday nights. This week is extra cool since we have cousin Kanyon staying with us. I bribed them with popcorn if they would hustle to get jammies on and get situated for the movie (Kung-Fu Panda), so they did just that. Ahh...good times.



Soccer in the rain. Serious rain.

So, what would get a soccer game like this cancelled? Lightening and Thunder.

There was none of that, which is good, so the game went on. Poor kid. They tied, he had fun and we got to hang out in the truck with a good friend! Let's see...there were 6 kids and three adults in Cam's truck. Oh, and my camera, which is like another kid, so it was pretty packed.



I went a date tonight with a really cute boy...

He's so sweet. The perfect little gentleman, really.

Oh, and I'm afraid that I love my little iPhone Hipstamatic app too much to never post a picture from it. It's so nice when I'm really busy, so please forgive!



What's better about this shot? Him or her?



Love is still in the air! Yes, I realize that this sweetie pie has been dominating the pictures, but there are a few reasons for that:

--She gives me great material

--I had my camera ready when she was doing this

--I had to work today

--I'm tired

So, now you know.



Now this is true sibling love...sharing green beans and asparagus. Really, it is.



Cupid, he is. His class wanted to wear Valentine's Day appropriate attire today, so this is what we came up with. And yes, we have more hearts...I just love a reason to throw more in, and today's the day to do it!



Tomorrow is one of the best days of the year! Valentine's Day! It's the day we give extra attention and care to the ones we love. LOVE!




Watch out.

She's a ninja babe. And she doesn't mess around.



You know you want to be doing the same thing...



This is one of those simple [mom pleasures]...helping the kiddos get ready for the day, feeding them, etc. You know, basic mom stuff. I love it.



This kiddo is determined to master the playground apparatus known as *monkey bars*.

[Thanks tootie-pie little sister for uploading this while I was MIA]



What's this? Three days of kitty pictures in a week? It's crazy, but this one begged to be my POTD:

I came around the corner, totally not expecting to see anything like this! Crazy girl. Just for the record, I have NEVER seen her hang out in the sink. (Maybe that's because it usually has dishes in it?) No she is such a water-phobe...what is that hydro-phobe? Not sure. Anyway, she wasn't budging until someone filled up her water dish. That task had been relegated to the 4-year old, so it's an understandable miss.



It's frightening, but...

...scary faces with good friends are always fun.



Okay, so yesterday's post may seem like a bit of an oxymoron, compared to today, but there is a method to our madness, really!

Here are are reasons for going ahead with our appointment we scheduled a week ago, even though it's been a little chilly around here, and our kitty has been sleeping under blankets for the past few days.

1. appointment, and this groomer is hard to get in to!

2. Kitty is very resourceful, and can sleep under blankets if needed.

3. She is the groomer's FAVORITE kitty. Yes, the groomer told us that.

What? No...she doesn't tell all the kitties that.

4. Kitty LOVES to go get a bath and shear. No lie!

5. It builds her self-esteem.

6. Half of us can't function very well with her long hair, thus the 'Puss & Boots' shear job.

7. It's warmer now, anyway. We let our firstborn play soccer outside, if that tells you anything.

There. See? All very good reasons.



How cold is it?

What's that?

Real Feel = 0 degrees, you say?

No, it's THIS cold:




Here are 4 of the 5 Lebbon kiddos! We got to spend quite a bit of time with this side of the family when we were in Utah last month. They are an awesome bunch! It would have been great to have Uncle Manny there, too, but we would have had to go all the way to Hawaii to get the whole crew together. Which, come to think of it, wouldn't be a bad idea! Yeah...I think I could force myself to go to Hawaii.



So. One day Kenji came up to me and started doing the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language. I was floored! I had no idea he knew how to say the Pledge, let alone sign the whole thing! ALL credit goes to his awesome preschool teacher, Ms. Strong. She rocks, and so does he! Wow!

He was so focused when he was doing it for us tonight, that he didn't notice his crazy dad and brother messing with him. Ha! What I love about the whole thing is the look on his face. This is one of those things that helps build self-confidence and a feeling that he can do amazing things. Even with these guys.