

She wanted to be wrapped up like a baby.

He wanted to hold her.

They sang "Once There Was a Bear" by the Barenaked Ladies. It was really cute.



My not-even-two-yet nephew has figured out how to do self-portraits! He's so advanced! I think he might even have a twitter account, but I'm not totally sure.

just kidding.



Guess who's getting braces again! And he's excited about it, too! It eliminates the pressure of keeping his retainer in every night. We'll see if he's still excited about them in two years.



This was an epic race, with the critical moment to take the lead being in the narrow part of the path. Amani blasted off the finish line and easily smoked her competitors.

Can I just say I love when we have family visiting?



It's hard to get mad at this kid sometimes. It really is! Although, with that 'little brother' role he's been pulling out on my tootie-pie little sister, the cuteness isn't almost holding up.



Jordis' new haircut.

She did it all by herself, with a pair of safety scissors.

She took it right off the top.

She also took care of Kenji's 'do.




Here's another one of our favorite B4D meals!


I have been on the hunt for the perfect waffle recipe forever! I grew up with my grandma's awesome waffles, and nothing really compares. I've been using this recipe for a little while and I think I like it! I think the key is folding the egg whites into the batter. So, here's the recipe! We love it with a little whipped cream on top, of course. We just whip it up in the vitamix before we serve it.

1 3/4 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. sugar
7 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 1/2 c. milk
3 eggs, separated

Combine dry ingredients. Mix wet in separate bowl. Beat egg whites in separate glass bowl until stiff peaks form. Add wet ingredients into dry. Carefully fold egg whites into batter. Cook in waffle iron immediately.




Aloha Festival Opening Ceremonies...can you pick out my two eldest?



I'm back on the 'puter! Don't worry, I'll re-upload all those darn cell phone pictures so they aren't blurry. I don't know why it does that! Oh well, not complaining. My handy dandy cell phone got me through the big move and helped me keep up with my little project here!

Here's one from the festival last week...Amani all dooded up in native clothes (thanks, Shanna!)...



The torture has ended.

We're all moved and ready to get settled into our new house. It works so much better for our family here!



Ivy got her mission call today!

She will be serving in the GERMANY BERLIN MISSION!

It's been an exciting day! AND I got a NAP! Double awesome!

I actually have pictures from my real camera, and can't get the silly computer to cooperate, hence another iPhone picture. It's okay, it will all be over soon...



These poor kids-we did one last push at the old house today. It was rough-not going to lie! Luckily, Cam left a TV over there that actually had a DVD in it, so these guys vegged out on movies all afternoon. They worked together to stay comfy-he laid on her, she laid on him...put a smile on my face while I hauled STUFF all over the house...



So, another event in our midst is in the works. Ivy turned her papers in two weeks ago for her mission. We got word that her mission call had been sent last Friday, so we've been anxiously checking the mail this week.

Well, we thought that it would be there to day FOR SURE! But no, no call. We wait. Ivy might just lose it! I talked her in to making a cake to keep her mind off of thus whole event, and u think it's working. I'm going downstairs right now to indulge.



It's been another moving kind of day. My sisters have been slaving away with me all day. I am paying them with macaroni and cheese for dinner, that they happen to have to make themselves.

Sisters rock!

So do brothers, like this little brother here that kept sticking his tongue out at me in the pictures. Stinker!



We are kind of tired around here, not going to lie. But, the Aloha Festival is over, and we're almost done moving, so we might get some rest soon.



Aloha Festival time!

The kids were asked to be a part of the opening ceremonies at the festival. They were showing the different cultures in Arizona, so the had native, island and Latin dancing. It was pretty cool. Micah and Amani did some nice stepping, which they learned last night!

After this performance, we booked it over to another stage to dance the Hawaiian dances we've been practicing. It was fun!

(my phone is totally saving me honey until I unpack the computer--I'm thinking a few mire days of this, but we'll see!)




Just when you think you're just about as busy as you can get, something happens to show you that you're wrong! Last week, a house became available, and we were able to fight off a myriad of other people and were able to get it.

So...Monday morning we picked up keys and started moving everything. Luckily, Cam was much more available this week in anticipation of the Aloha Festival. Now, we're just praying we show up in finished costumes and that we match everyone else! Wish us luck!



It's that time of year...the busy, crazy, sewing-frenzy and practice-heavy lead up to the ALOHA FESTIVAL! Saturday. Let me know if you want details.




It's become a part of our lives on ways we never knew it would. It all has to do with Ivy and her boy toy, Nathan.

Around 8:15 p.m. every night, ivy comes into our room to ask for "the comp" (computer). Then the night is filled with joy and laughter in to the wee hours of the night. It is (as Ivy would say) EPIC.



I know I've been heavy on the phone pictures, but let me tell you...things are changing around here, and I'm running out of time in the day! I'll spill it next week.



What does it mean when I've posted my POTD from my phone, with an iPhone picture?

I'll tell you--craziness around here. Just crazy. You know I left my phone at this Korean BBQ place Friday night, and they actually held on to it until the next day? I'm pretty impressed.



We went to a lot of parks today, watched Micah play soccer and had a dress rehearsal for the Aloha Festival, which is next week...aaahhh! I woke up at 0500 today to sew more skirts and a muumuu. I stayed up way too late last night after a fun date to a Korean BBQ place. Incidentally, this fabulous hidden gem of a place is right around the corner from our first casa in Arizona. Awesome!



This is an experiment. Can I blog from my phone?

Yes. And Micah can pay for and pick-up pizza, as evidenced here.




They're growing and changing.

Kenji is gaining on Amani. Amani still has her little birth mark on her left foot, second toe. Micah thinks he needs to get a new pair of shoes every month or so. I think he inherited the genes from my side of the family. We have some big ol' feet!



This is a hot item around here right now: a cool pen that if you squeeze, the eyeballs pop out! It's cool.



So, it's Spirit Week at school this week. Micah woke me up by staring me right in the face with this cute, little, geeky outfit. Isn't it great? He came up with it all by himself, in the wee hours of the morning. He's always been an early riser, but when there is an EVENT, he is up before the rooster crows, as I grew up hearing. Anyway, he came home in this cool attire, and Jordis had to get in on it. I don't know what it is about her, but she's always up for new, cool and awesome things...always...that's why we love her, and that's also why she is in the majority of my POTD's.