
All right....(rubbing hands)....it's that big moment! The moment BEFORE the moment! My last official day of 'freedom' from my self-imposed slavery for the next year.

Here are some of my most favorite 365 projects for you to peruse:

Pete Ark has an awesome 365 project he did a few years back. If I could only make this project half as cool as his I will be in heaven. Check it out! In fact, I entered this contest (I think that's what it was) called Pick a Pete, where we took one of our favorite shots from the series and tried to do the same thing (or something like that, it's been a while!) Anyway, here is his shot and here is my version. Good times...

Rosie Hardy is one of those photoshop masters, and does some very stellar self-portraits. I love her series. (everything's probably not for the littlest eyes, fyi) You can find it here! One of my favorites is this shot.

Let me know what you think! I'll see you tomorrow with Day 1/365!


  1. makes me think of my favorite Pooh quote...
    "Pooh?" says Piglet
    "Yes Piglet" says Pooh
    "Oh nothing, I just wanted to be sure of you" says Piglet
    makes me smile :)

  2. Pooh has a way of helping us see the world in a sweet, simple way. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. LOVE the envelope images...very clever...might have to use that for a christmas card :) wink...wink...
    glad you're back to the blogging world...I feel out of touch with my fellow photogs...

  4. Oh, Megan! Do it!!! I can totally see it. I need to start plotting our card for next year, too...
