

I woke up from my pre-work nap to the most delicious smells wafting from the kitchen! My tootie-pie little sister, Ivy, has been trying a new, slightly more complicated chili recipe. It's one that NicholeV posted, actually! Anyway, I couldn't stand laying there in bed with that yummy smell, so I broke off the nap early to check it out.

Ivy was chopping all the veggies up, then finally broke out the gloves to chop up the peppers. She mentioned that she needed to remove the membranes on the peppers, and started peeling the peppers...huh? It took me a minute, but then I realized that she thought the membranes were the peel! Then she said that she had already peeled all of the bell peppers!

hee hee ho ho haha...

Oh dear, I needed a good little laugh, and she delivered! She is SUCH a good sport, that she even let me take a picture of that sorry little jalapeno and put it on my blog!!!

Love this sweet girl. 


wait for it....

note: this is another EXCELLENT day to have a birthday! 1/11/11 I can't WAIT for NOvember 11th. I might have to purposely schedule myself at work to make sure I am a part of that very excellent occasion.


  1. HA Ha HA! Thanks for the laugh Ivy! :)

  2. I love the shirt too...it really adds to the picture. How was the chili?

  3. Haha Ivy! You are too funny! You are a good sport!

  4. Chili was awesome! Especially the 2nd day. You would love it, Ju!

  5. What a tootie-pie YOU are!!!
    1-11-11: my bro's bday. He turned 50. I think that has significance. . . don't you?
    Your little sis is darling.
