

joy. joy. joy.


I wish there was a way to just bottle them up like this. These pictures are like my little bottles, keeping track of the little things that I KNOW I will miss someday.

What methods have you found to work the best to keep track of all these little moments? That is, without spending all of your time working on encapsulating those memories, but actually participating and soaking it up, too?

For me:

--taking the actual picture (you don't get the moment back, no do-overs on Christmas morning)

--not obsess about taking the picture, but being ready for a quick shot (kids don't like having the camera in their face all the time)

--having a simplified record keeping method (this blog is mighty helpful!)

--don't go nutso trying to cutesifie everything, you probably won't like the cutesy things in 20 years. Actually, I know you won't.

--just do it and be accountable to someone for doing it.  (your family?)

--simplify, and enjoy life

(know that this is very much a work in progress, subject to constant reassessment and re-evaluation!)